24th Furniture and Woodworking Fair
6-9 April 2022
Expograd Yug – Krasnodar, RUSSIA
UMIDS is one of the largest, effective and most attended furniture, interior and woodworking equipment exhibitions in Russia. 320 companies exhibited at UMIDS-2022 to present their products and find customers among 13 634 visitors from 72 regions of Russia and some foreign countries. 67% of UMIDS visitors do not attend other exhibitions of similar subjects, 85% of them make or influence purchasing decisions. The unique professional UMIDS audience ensures high commercial efficiency of the exhibition.
24th Furniture and Woodworking Fair
Date :
6-9 April 2022
Location :
Expograd Yug – Krasnodar, RUSSIA
Sector :
Furniture, Woodworking
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